Thank you to everyone who expanded our vegetarian soup repertoire by taking the time to submit their culinary creations to No Croutons Required. The response to this brand new vegetarian event, alternately hosted by my good friend Holler and myself, has been even more rewarding than expected. We've received many tantalizing vegetarian soup entries from across the globe and deciding upon a winner is not going to be easy. Help us crown the winner of our vegetarian soup challenge by voting for your favorite in the comment section or send us an email with your choice.The very first entry we received only one day after announcing the event is from
Stretch Mark Mama who shares a nourishing and warming
Crock Pot Lentil Soup. She does not include a picture of her soup, but it's full of vegetables and sounds like a good choice for busy cooks possessing a crock pot. (Pacific Northwest, US)

Mary of
Starting from Scratch also used lentils in her soup. She made an easy but tasty
Ginger Butternut Lentil Soup and topped it off with some homemade croutons even though this was not required. (Iowa, US)

Ruth from
Once Upon a Feast is trying to incorporate more vegetarian options into her diet and her flavourful
Garlicy Bean & Spinach Soup is sure to appeal to both vegetarians and carnivores. Ruth makes her own bean broth and though this recipe will require some time in the kitchen, the end result is certainly worth the effort. (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Kalyn sends us a
Vegetarian Lentil Soup with Spinach, Tomatoes and Cumin from her kitchen. Like Ruth, Kalyn is trying to eat more legumes and vegetables and this recipe uses both. She tells us that this healthy soup has a strong cumin flavour and that sounds just perfect to me. (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)

Smita who posts at
Smita Serves You Right offers us a
Split Pea Soup with mushrooms, carrot and celery that sounds perfectly simple to prepare. Smita tells us it's impossible to mess this recipe up, making this a good soup choice for inexperienced and experienced cooks alike. (Rochester, New York, USA)

Lentils are certainly a popular choice for vegetarian soups and here we have yet another tasty idea. Rosie from
What's the Recipe Today Jim sends along a
Creamy Vegetable Marrow and Lentil Soup garnished with fresh basil leaves, croutons and roasted pumpkin seeds. Rosie tells us this warming winter soup is a good way to use up bits of leftover vegetables. (Limbo, United Kingdom)

David from
Wish I Were Baking submits a
Cauliflower / Broccoli Soup that I'm sure would be good with both vegetables. David offers a bit of advice to go along with the recipe: use far less water than you would expect for this soup and "far more spice." Sounds good to me. The spicier the better is my motto. (Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom)
Lucy continues to nourish her readers with this recipe for
Zucchini in Broth with Corn and Cheese Dumplings. The dumplings consist of cornmeal and feta cheese! I imagine myself eating the dumplings while the broth is simmering away, but exercising some self control results in a satisfying and irresistible vegetable soup. There's no denying this soup would be pleasing to global warming hysterics and skeptics alike. Lucy says it's "a perfect soup for weather that can’t quite make up its mind." I've decided this is a recipe for me. (Melbourne, Australia)

Pixie from
You say Tomato, I Say Tomato consults her only vegetarian cookbook and comes up with a
Cauliflower, Fennel and Bean Soup to use up the head of cauliflower in her fridge. Actually, she provides two recipes: one with blue cheese and one without. I'm sold on the cheese version! (Kent, United Kingdom)

Wendy does a
Wee Bit of Cooking and comes up with a lovely lentil based soup. You can never have too many lentil recipes. She says this
Carrot and Red Lentil Soup is her favorite Sunday afternoon soup. It's easy to make and includes staple ingredients that most cooks are likely to have on hand. (Scotland, UK)

Allen of
Eating Out Loud offers up a
Hearty Barley and Lentil Soup that also includes kale, rutabaga and carrots. This was Allen's first time cooking with barely and I hope it won't be his last because this cumin spiced soup sounds and looks perfect. (San Jose, California, USA)

Kitchenetta from
Got No Milk makes a
Cream of Broccoli Soup that vegans and the lactose intolerant can enjoy. She uses broth, soy milk and soy sour cream in this vegetable soup that she describes as comforting and soothing. (Pennsylvania, USA)

When Kittie from
Kittens in the Kitchen heard about our soup event, she put off her housework and made this warming
Spinach and Garlic Soup. Kittie describes this easy soup as "hot, thick, filling and healthy!" Just the perfect thing for those of us shivering in cold climates. (Brighton, United Kingdom)
Our next entry is from Jane of
Procrastinator's Progress. Jane is new to the blogging world and doesn't include a picture, but her
Leek, Potato and Pea Soup certainly sounds good. Jane tells us this soup was originally a baby food recipe that she tweaked to feed the whole family. (Scotland, United Kingdom)

Jen of
Little Bird Eats has her sights on winning our challenge and submits a spicy
Dal and Pumpkin Soup that certainly sounds like a winner even if she doesn't beat the competition. There's nothing like pumpkin to beat the winter blues. (Ireland)

Susan cooks up a fast and creamy
Roasted Cauliflower Soup in her
Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. One doesn't have to be a vegan to enjoy this nourishing starter soup that may be flavoured with a bit of truffle oil and topped with croutons if desired. (Massachusetts, USA)

Judith, who has her own vegetarian blog called
Shortcut to Mushrooms, offers up a
Winter Friendship Soup consisting of pasta, chickpeas, kidney beans, baby spinach and Parmesan Cheese. I suspect my friendship could be bought if you served me this soup! (Iowa, USA)

My own contribution is this heavenly
Hungarian Mushroom Soup. I think this might be my new favorite mushroom soup recipe. Flavored with dill, paprika, tamari, lemon and sour cream, it's sure to please mushroom fiends like myself. It's easy to make besides. (London, Ontario, Canada)

Lisa of
Little Bits shares a colourful
Gypsy Pot Soup that is packed full of flavour. Consisting of chickpeas, butternut squash, pears, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, garlic, paprika, almonds, saffron and mint, this would indeed be a good recipe to serve to guests. (Washington, USA)

Peter of
Kalofagas takes a break from meat and contributes a chunky, Greek flavoured
Chick Pea Soup inspired by a recipe he found from Food Network Canada. Like Peter, I'm a big fan of legumes, especially chickpeas, and I'm quite certain this healthy soup would be just the perfect remedy for the Canadian winter blues. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Dhivya from
Culinary Bazaar cooks up a healthy pot of
Potage. Potage is a French term meaning a thick and creamy soup made with vegetables and sometimes meat. Dhivya uses a combination of leeks, potatoes, carrots, celery and parsnips for her soup, but she tells us this is a good recipe to make if you have bits of leftover vegetables you need to use up. (California, USA)

From Miri of
Peppermill we have a nourishing
Broccoli Soup. Though Miri lives on the other side of the world from me, she too is tired of cold temperatures and looking forward to putting away the sweaters and socks. Until the weather gets warmer, cooking up a pot of this soup, which includes potatoes and carrots, is a good way to stay healthy and warm. (Delhi, North India)

Ricki from
Diet, Dessets and Dogs was reluctant to contribute her favorite soup because she feared it might be too beige. After a bit of thought, she decided to send along her
Mom's Potato-Corn Chowder anyway, and I'm glad she did, because as Ricki points out, sometimes beige is just the perfect choice. Flavored with lots of veggies, barley, dill, parsley and some almond milk, here we have yet another easy to prepare and nourishing soup to help us get through the remaining months of winter. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

As usual, Val continues to offer up
More Than Burnt Toast. I'm a big fan of beets and mushrooms and this
White Vegetarian Borscht uses both. In fact, it's right full of goodness, including lots of root veggies. Val is not sure why the soup is called what it is, as it's very red, but no matter, this is one hot soup. Nope, no croutons are required for this colourful soup. (British Columbia, Canada)

From Amy who posts over
Eggs on Sunday we have this spicy and nutty
Carrot Peanut Soup. Inspired by the flavours of Southeast Asia, this pretty soup consists of carrots, celery, onion, peanut butter, and other ingredients most cooks are likely to have on hand. I'm a big fan of peanut butter in meals, and it's no secret I like spice. (Ithaca, NY, USA)

Kim from
Cook it Up, Baby, participates in her first food blogging event and shares her
Aunt Mary B's Vegetable Soup. Kim has made some changes to her aunt's recipe; most notably, she left out the meat. Her husband wasn't keen on the idea of a vegetarian version, but he had three servings the first night proving vegetarian soups can appeal to even the most carnivorous among us. (Georgia, USA)

Many cooks are suffering from the cold temperatures those of us living in Northern regions have been experiencing lately, and TBC of
The Budding Cook is no exception. This creamy
Potato and Leek Soup certainly sounds warming and healthy. And it's simple to prepare too. (USA)

Lysy of
Munchkin Mail submits this
Hearty Wintry Roast Veggie Soup that she made to remind her of more seasonal temperatures. The vegetables were roasted with a Cantonese-style glaze and turned into this hearty soup consisting of parsnip, Jerusalem artichokes, and rutabaga. (Down Under)
Lynn's entry is inspired by a starter soup that she enjoyed in Germany. With a little help from Delia Smith, Lynn made a
Leek, Onion and Potato Soup that she describes as "posh enough for a dinner party, homely enough for lunch with the children." Sounds like a versatile soup in every way. (Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom)

Kevin of
Closet Cooking goes with a Mexican theme and comes up with a burst of flavour in a bowl. Kevin proves having a small kitchen is no impediment to top-notch culinary creations. This
Aztec Soup is a meal onto unto itself including as it does black beans, corn, squash, lots of warming spices and quinoa, one of my very favorite grains. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Richa from
As Dear as Salt adds some fruit to her meal with this lovely
Avocado Pea Mint Soup. This is a soup you can make as thin or as thick as you like, but Richa tells us that cumin is absolutely essential for the soup. Heat lover that I am, I would also say the green chili and chipotle peppers are a must too. (New Jersey, USA)

From Kazari who posts at
I think I have a Recipe for That we have a comforting
Roast Pumpkin Soup with carrots, garlic and rosemary. It's very simple to make, and Kazari tells us it's a great soup to experiment with. Very warming and healthy. (Canberra, Australia)

Deeba is not only
Passionate About Baking, she also enjoys exploring the use of spice. It's star anise this time, used to delicately flavour this pretty
Tomato-Carrot Soup. Deeba has adapted this recipe from a winter soup recipe that her mother makes. Star anise is one of the few spices that I don't have on hand, but not for long. (Gurgaon, India)

Katy from
sugarlaws entry is a
Curried Cauliflower Soup that she says is a perfect soup for a cold winter day. Like Katy, I agree that homemade soup is far superior to the store bought varieties. The possibilities are endless and fresh ingredients undeniable enhance the flavour of soup. (New York, New York, USA)
Zlamushka cooks up a
Russian Borsch in her spicy kitchen. And not only is this a comforting soup, it also makes for a nice dip or spread for crackers and bread. You can never have too many recipes for beets! Zlamushka says this soup freezes well, so make lots so you always have some on hand. (Malmo, Skane, Sweden)

Nupur of
One Hot Stove submits a delightful
Tomato Soup that would be a perfect choice for a quick but satisfying weeknight meal. In Nupur's busy household, soup often serves as the second dish in the meal. Made with some tinned tomatoes, carrot, and seasoned with a bit of sugar, oregano and milk, I've no doubt this very simple soup was the perfect compliment to grilled cheese sandwiches. (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
Sara likes to cook and her readers are very glad that she does. At first she couldn't decide what to make but finally settled on this
Roasted Vegetable Soup that she found in a recently acquired cookbook. Consisting of roasted tomatoes, red pepper, onion and garlic and finally pureed along with smoked paprika, this appetizing soup was gobbled up in two days at Sara's house. At least it was easy to make! (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada)
Michelle's entry is made with her favorite squash and one of my favorite spices. The squash is baked in the oven prior to its transformation into this
Kabocha Squash and Cumin Soup that is sure to satisfy even the greediest gourmets. (Canewdon, United Kingdom)

Psychgrad of
Equal Opportunity Kitchen claims she is a novice when it comes to soups, but this
Leek and Potato Soup turned out just perfect. There's nothing like a simple vegetable soup served along with some crusty bread to cheer up your day. (Canada)

Ivy from
Kopiaste, to Greek Hospitality sends along this hearty
Vegetable Puree Soup with Pasta that she adapted from a recipe that usually includes meat. Consisting of roasted red pepper, potatoes, zucchini, celery, carrots, pasta and seasoned with paprika and rosemary, Ivy's family enjoyed this filling soup so much she served it as a main course. (Athens, Greece)
Helen offers up some food stories along with this tantalizing
French Onion Soup with Gruyere Croutons and Parsley Oil that she served on Valentine's Day. No, croutons are not required, but they are certainly welcome in this instance. (London, United Kingdom)

Ashley of
Eat me, Delicious enters our soup competition with this satisfying and colourful
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili. Ashley is a vegetarian who doesn't enjoy traditional chili recipes as they usually contain meat. I've no doubt even meat lovers would enjoy this vegetarian version. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Diann's vegan kitchen we have a meal in a bowl. Her entry is a delightful
Cabbage Soup with Chickpeas and Oats that is ready in 30 minutes if you use canned chickpeas and tinned tomatoes. Yet another warming soup for a cold winter day. (Austin, Texas, USA)

This gorgeous
Garbanzo Bean Soup with Israeli Cous Cous is
Katia's gourmet contribution. She tells us the key to a flavourful soup is to add the dry ingredients early in the cooking stage to allow the vegetables to absorb the spices. (Louisiana, USA)
Homecooked doesn't enjoy the Chinese menu options available in her area, so she cooked up her own Indian Chinese
Vegetable Hot and Sour Soup. Packed full of vegetables, mushrooms, and mung sprouts, this is one tasty sounding soup! (California, USA)

Rachel of
Fairy Cake Heaven says there is just one word to describe this
Spicy Tomato Fennel Soup and that word is "YUM." Containing only tomato, carrot, fennel, garlic and some salt and pepper, this would be a perfect soup for a nice light lunch. (Ireland)

From Gretchen of
Canela and Comino we have a healthy
Tomato Lentil Soup. In addition to lentils and tomatoes, Gretchen's pretty soup also includes carrot and celery. Serve with a grain for a complete vegetarian meal. (Lima, Peru)

From Suganya of
Tasty Palettes we have this gorgeous
Three Potato Soup With Rouille. Her soup contains three types of potatoes, tomatoes, green chillies, carrot and is topped off with Rouille sauce. Rouille means rust in French and consists mainly of bread crumbs, roasted red pepper, garlic and lemon. This is one fancy sounding soup. (USA)

Johanna of
Green Gourmet Giraffe needed some "temple food" after spending a week away from home. She decided upon this elegant
Wanton Dumplings in Ginger Broth. Steamed mushrooms, carrots and broccolini are topped with pumpkin wanton dumplings and then covered with a flavourful broth. This soup wouldn't last long in my house! (Melbourne, Australia)

Asha from
Aroma! certainly did not need to use croutons for her unique
Potato, Apple, Arugula Soup. This meal in a pot is full of goodness. Potatoes, apple, arugula, roasted red pepper and kidney beans make this one satisfying and warming meal when served alongside some crusty bread. (North Carolina, USA)

Mandira from
Ahaar cooks up a warming pot of
Winter soup with Butternut Squash, Acorn, Corn & Wild Rice to help calm her nerves after a long and treacherous commute. Mandira makes a few versions of this pretty soup and encourages us to make up a big batch because it freezes well. (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
Jennifer didn't use to enjoy onion soup, but thankfully for her readers, she now loves it and was inspired to make her own version from scratch. If you are looking for an elegant soup to enjoy on a quiet day at home with your spouse, her
French Onion Shiitake Soup for Two is just the thing. (Saskatchewan, Canada)

Kathy of
Wednesday Food Blogging comes up with her own version of
Tortilla Soup that includes black beans, zucchini, tomatoes and spice. Oddly enough, she lived in Texas and New Mexico for several years, but didn't try making this soup until moving to England. Better late than never and I'm sure this tasty creation will become a favorite in many kitchens across the world. (Outside London, England, United Kingdom)
Renuka fuses together some fresh mint and coriander, milk, garlic, chilies, and fresh lime for her
Spicy Green Soup. As Renuka notes, there are plenty of ready make soups on the market but they simply do not compare to a delicious pot of homemade soup. (Tamilnadu, India)

Deb of
Key West Wine and Gardening celebrates her first blogging anniversary and contributes this mouthwatering
Soup Of Borlotti Beans, Dried Porcini, and Tubetti to our first event. This hearty bowl of flavour combines the goodness of dried mushrooms, pasta, tomatoes, garlic, onion and cayenne. (Key West, Florida, USA)

From Saswati, who has just started a brand new blog called
Potpourri, we have this light and lovely
Lemon and Coriander Soup with mushrooms and carrots. This soup is just right for the Indian palate she tells us. Sounds just fine to me! (Moscow, Russia)

Anke from
Vegan Bounty submits a westernized version of her favorite soup,
Japanese Nabe, sans "all that crawled before". Unable to obtain some of the ingredients traditionally making up the soup, Anke improvises with some mushrooms, water chestnuts, tofu, cabbage, pumpkin, bean sprouts, and noodles, and enhances the flavour of the soup with some tahini, balsamic vinegar and chrysanthemum leaves. (Germany)
Vineela brightens up a wet and gloomy day with a
Thai Coconut Soup. Inspired by a soup she enjoyed at a local restaurant, Vineela combines the creamy goodness of coconut milk with some mushrooms, lemon grass, chilies and lime. (Hollywood, California, USA)
Miss Lion Heart is always up for a challenge and her submission to the tight competition here is a wholesome homespun
Minestrone Soup with a Twist packed full of vegetable goodness. The soup pot is the cook's canvas, so do experiment with your favorite flavours because there is a place for everything. (Ireland)
Chow Vegan offers up a
Chinese Noodle Soup that takes about as much time to prepare as it does to run out and pick up an inferior fast food version. This delicate combination of mushrooms, greens, ginger and noodles may be lingered over with chopsticks, consumed with gusto with a fork, or greedily be slurped from the bowl. (San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA)

Haalo of
Cook (almost) Anything at least once takes advantage of her summer produce and serves up a creamy
Asparagus and Potato Soup. Those of us currently experiencing the harsh reality of the Northern Hemisphere can warm their toes with this lightly seasoned "sip" while they dream of Spring. (Melbourne, Australia)

Speaking of Spring,
Ulrike inspires the idea with this green
Lemon and Broccoli Soup. The white chunks floating around in the bowl are delicious chunks of ricotta cheese. No matter the temperature, this soup is sure to nourish the soul. (Northern Germany)

Mansi of
Fun and Food expands her already fabulous repertoire with a aromatic
Mix-Vegetable and Coconut Milk Soup. Beets, carrots, cauliflower and peas are perfectly complimented with creamy coconut milk and spice. Treat yourself to a bowl of antioxidant and fiber rich delight. (California, USA)
Pooja gets creative in the kitchen and submits this gorgeous
Tomato Bean Soup that she served with a delightful lemon rice. Consisting of bean sprouts, tomato, and a bit of seasoning, this healthy soup can be whipped up in no time. (New York, USA)

Astra of
Food for Laughter serves up a hearty bowl of goodness to ease the winter chills. Her
Chickpea and Spinach Soup is a meal in itself, containing my favourite legume, spinach, rice and some spice. (The Deep South, USA)

Inspired by Nat King Cole, Susan of
Food Blogga gets creative with some chestnuts and submits this delicious
Creamy Cauliflower Chestnut Soup. This versatile soup also includes potatoes, celery, milk and lots of tasty herbs. How's that for some comfort in a bowl? (San Diego, California, USA)

Like many of us, Apu of
Annarasa is experiencing an especially harsh winter. What better way to warm up than to enjoy a steaming bowl of
Watercress and Potato Soup. Apu always makes her soups from scratch. Simply make up a big batch of stock and freeze it until needed. (USA)

If David lived in my area, I'd certainly
Book the Cook. His elegant
Celery, Mint and Yorkshire Feta Soup is just right for any climate. Celery is prominently featured here. In fact, David uses a whole bunch, along with some potatoes, glorious feta cheese, juniper berries and fresh mint. (East Boldon, Tyne & Wear, United Kingdom)

Laurie of
Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska offers up this stunning
Roasted Red Pepper, Fennel, and Lentil Soup. This beautifully balanced bowl of peppers, lentils, carrots, onion, celery, fennel and jalapenos is to be savored, bite by bite. (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)

Sia from
Monsoon Spice submits a therapeutic
Pak Choi – Noodles Soup. This "bowl of sunshine" if packed full of goodness; in addition to noodles, and Pak Choi, this soup includes lemon grass, red pepper, and lots of delicious seasonings. (United Kingdom)

Finally, here is my co-host's contribution. Holler of
Tinned Tomatoes heats up her kitchen with an irresistible
Spicy Aubergine & Tomato Soup for our event. While you can't vote for either of the host's contributions here, there is nothing preventing you from preparing this mouthwatering winner of a soup. (Scotland, United Kingdom)
The winner will be announced shortly, along with the theme for next month's edition of "No Croutons Required". Your contributions to our ongoing vegetarian event are most desired.
Wow, what an amazing round up! I'm impressed with the wonderful selection and look forward to participating in the next one. Well done everyone!
Whoa!! That's a great round up with gorgeous array of veg soups! Whoever said vegetarianism is bad!!:))
Thanks for taking time to host Lisa, appreciate it!
Good gracious!!! A bazillion excellent's anyone to choose just ONE????
I want them all, but if forced...I have to go with the Hungarian Mushroom.
Great event, thanks for thinking it up. What's on tap for next month?
Lisa, it must have taken you aaaaages to put up everyone's entries. Thanks for all your hard work! I'm sure everyone is now much more inspired for the rest of the winter by these wonderful entries.
Wow, this is a fantastic showing for your first roundup--I'm overwhelmed by all the amazing choices! Everything looks so mouth-watering. Do I have to choose just one??? No, I couldn't. So, I let my Honey decide. . . his favorite soup of all time is potato-leek, so I will send my vote for psychgrad. Can't wait to try it--and all the others!!
You did a great job with this post Lisa, I think it is going to be hard for everyone to make a choice, but that is what we need. Come on all you guys, start voting!
Lovely Hungarian Mushroon soup, I have to try it!
Excellent job Lisa! Congratulations on the great turnout.
Are we not supposed to vote for ourselves? If I can vote for myself, then I will - what can I say - it tasted really good!
If I can't vote for myself - then I'll vote for Jennifer's French Onion Shiitake Soup. I've been meaning to try making a French Onion soup. Plus, I feel some pity for people in Saskatchewan. It's bloody cold there.
hey lisa!!what a round up and an array of soups...thanx alot to you and holler for starting this event.who needs cookbooks anymore!!!
Wow, so many delicous soups! Thank you for putting this together, I know that's a lot of work.
Thank you so much!
Ulrike from Küchenlatein
Lisa, this round-up is positively gorgeous - a true testament to a fantastic event! Thank you for hosting the soup inspiration! I'm looking forward to next month...:-)
Regarding the voting: I'm thinking contributors to the event should vote for a soup other than their own.
Also, the soups that Holler and I created are not part of the challenge, so Ruth, you will have to pick another one :) Thanks for choosing it though!
Thank you, Lisa, for an eye-popping round-up! There is so much delicious inspiration here- I think I will be able to survive the rest of this winter after all.
Well, I just walked in from the snow, and the soup I would most love to dig into is Kevin's Aztec Soup (Closet Cooking) so that's the one I am voting for!
I'd like to volunteer to be a taste tester for every single soup here, but I guess the one that I'd feel like trying first is Judith's Winter Friendship Soup. Now don't make me look through them again or I'll keep getting ideas.
wonderful round up lisa. thank you for hosting such a nice event , i get many veggie soup recipes now :)
Oh i dint notice that you cook Indian dishes too very well, thats really a surprise to know, i think you would like the event going on my blog to be a part of.
Ans well, as we have to vote for here.... I think "Sia's(Monsoon Spice) Pak Choi – Noodles Soup " is one of the best ( other than mine ;) he he he ) . thats the one i feel relieving looking at in this wintry sick weather.
(somebody please vote for me too :D, at least I will not be the last number in such case :)) ) .
jokes apart , this is really a wonderful roundup , looking fwd to next theme and winner announcement.
Lisa! that's a fabulous roundup! I am amazed at so many wonderful entries...great job on your first event gal:) awesome!
they all look SO good, am disappointed in my photo though!!!
Amazing number of contributions. I tend to visit blogs late at night and with this many I'll be up until morning. Thank goodness it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow!
Lisa and Holler your efforts are greatly appreciated.
It looks like you picked a perfect event, Lisa and Holler! I need to come back and read them again to do them all justice, and have pasted about four into my neverending list of things to cook already! But if I had to choose one that would have me running for the pan straight away it would be Johanna's Wanton Dumplings in Ginger Broth. Who can resist such a lascivious dinner? I love Holler's too, but we're not allowed to vote for the hosts, are we? There, my comment is almost as long as the post.
What a fantastic selection of soups! I am in awe. I feel so honored to be among such fine cooking. Thanks for hosting this wonderful event.
Great round-up. Well much work...and so many new blogs to peruse.
Am torn. Kevin's Aztec soup looks beautiful. I have actually made Wendy's Carrot and Red Lentil Soup (stunning, simple - the boys loved it) and Johanna's Wanton Soup (her dumplings are a work of art) is on the cards for this cooler weekend, but for it's use of a whole head of the stuff, David's Celery, Mint and Feta is the winning combination for me.
Thanks for the (huge) effort, Lisa. Looking forward to the next event over at Holler's!
Congrats to Holler and Lisa for putting together a great round-up.
Further accolades to the participants who've offered an array of veggie-friendly soups.
This offers such a wonderful variety of soups! Great job! I look forward to reading these entries!
Great job on putting these lovely soups together!
They all look so tempting ;)
Soup is probably my favorite food! To make and to eat! I can easily see working my way through this list throughout the winter, and even the spring and summer too!
Thanks for putting this together. Will start digging in now!
What a wonderful array of soups of every kind. Thanks for all your hard work Lisa and Holler. Do I have to pick just one ?...I think everyone is a winner!!! But if I had to choose I am partial to creamy soups. I absolutely LOVE a potato and leek soup of which I think there are 2...
Lisa and Holler- thanks once again, for hosting. It's so difficult to pick just one.:-(
I just can't wait to start trying some of these. Thanks so much for hosting--wonderful source of inspiration!
So many soups, so little time!!!!!!!
Who to choose? I narrowed it down to 2. I wrote the names down to 2 pieces of paper as I simply can't choose.......
.........and Jen's (little Bird Eats) Dal & Pumpkin Soup gets my vote.
Great Job! Look forward to next month.
Pixie is right...amazing collection Lisa. never thought we would find so much variety in veggie soups. Tough choice; each one is a sure winner. I would like to go for Ulrike's Lemon & Brocolli Soup...flavours I love! Phew...I was almost taking votes at home!! Great great round-up!:0) Deeba
Oooooooooooops, I meant to add Holler too. Thanks to both of you for all the hard work ; must have taken you ages. The array is mind-boggling!
Great roundup! Look at all of those tasty soups!
This must have taken you ages to do - I applaud your effort.....Well done.
There are some really fab soups in there - they put mine to shame! I've sent my vote by e-mail. Helen.
I had to contemplate a bit before coming back to vote - there are so many incredible soups to choose from! I think we'll be having soup on a regular basis in our house from now on - just to get to try out as many of these fantastic recipes as possible! (and what could be better than an excuse to fix soup? :-)
Really, though, there's no doubt in my mind about my vote... I'm absolutely enamored with the Hearty Barley and Lentil Soup from Allen of Eating Out Loud. I printed out the recipe as soon as I saw it on Allen's blog, I fixed it last week, and can now attest to the fact that it's perfectly delicious, and that it will be a regular in our house... It's divinely nourishing and flavorful!
Fabulous round-up! Lots of lentil inspiration but my favorite is your Hungarian soup - I'm intrigued :-)
Many thanks for hosting,
Many thanks for such thoughtful write-ups, Lisa. What a delicious and successful way to kick off your event!
thanks for a great round-up - so much information and entertainment in it - I want to make so many of these soups - the carrot and peanut, the avocado, peat and mint and the aztect soup all leap out at me but the one I am most eager to try is probably lucy's zucchini dumpling soup
What an excellent roundup! I love seeing all the soups - and even better that they're all vegetarian. :) My vote goes to the hearty barley and lentil soup by eating out loud (if I'm not too late).
Wow..everything looks so delicious!! I vote for the Greek flavoured Chick Pea soup by Peter.
Lucy and Kevin's soup get my vote. Sorry it's hard to choose just the one!!!
Thanks so much for the great roundup! And such a nice layout! So many awesome soups to choose from.
When does the voting end? If it's not too late, my vote goes to Vegan Bounty's Japanese Nabe, it looks so good! They all do, it really was hard to pick just one.
The winner will be announced on Saturday or Sunday, along with the theme for next month's challenge.
Hi Lisa, my vote is for Chinese Vegetable Hot and Sour Soup. (California, USA)
What a wonderful array of soups to choose from! Too bad I can only vote for one. I'm going for the French Onion Shitake soup.
Its an impressive round up. I am eager to participate in next month's theme.
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