The voting is complete and the winner of June's No Croutons Required
Legume Challenge is
Salty Girl with her mouthwatering
Salad with Chickpeas, Couscous and a Soft Boiled Egg. Congratulations Salty Girl. You had some mighty tough competition.
Holler will be hosting the July edition of
No Croutons Required.
The challenge this month is to make a soup or a salad showcasing your favourite herb or one you haven't experimented with yet.
Congrats to Salty Girl! So many of the salads made my mouth water.
Congrats to Salty Girl.
BTW voting has started for the Fat Chefs or Skinny Gourmets? and you can vote for your favourite recipe and your friends can vote for you.
Congrats to Salty girl!
Thank you for hosting, Lisa.
Congrats and let me tell you that such excellent pictures are just the right introduction to a delicious vegetarina experience.
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