
Baked Blueberry & Peach Pancakes

Baked Blueberry & Peach Pancakes

Fresh local peaches and blueberries are just bursting with juices and flavors right now in southwestern Ontario, and I'm lucky to keep my hands off of them long enough to consider the incredible things that can be accomplished by combining fresh fruit with the basic kitchen essentials of flour, eggs, dairy and sugar. If nothing else were ever needed in a woman's diet I shouldn't complain, but I do have one regret — I only made one of these baked blueberry and peach pancakes when two would have been just as easy (and would have lasted no longer).

Baked Blueberry & Peach Pancakes

This is a slightly denser but just as simple and delightful variation on the baked strawberry pancakes I shared during strawberry season last month, but now that other fruits are in season, there's no reason why strawberries should have all the fun. Perfect on a weekend morning with a hot cup of coffee or tea, or even for a summer's evening dessert.

Baked Blueberry & Peach PancakesBaked Blueberry & Peach Pancakes
Recipe by
Published on August 19. 2008

A beautiful, sweet and custardy baked pancake topped with bursts of fresh blueberry and peach flavors

Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 to 25 minutes

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  • 1/3 cup whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon dark rum
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 large eggs
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 large peach, sliced
  • 1/2 pint fresh or frozen blueberries, or more
  • icing sugar (optional)
  • Heat an oven to 375°F and butter a 9-inch pie plate well.

  • Beat the whipping cream in a small bowl with the rum and vanilla until half whipped (as I might be feeling on a weekend morning). In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until frothy. Pour the whipping cream mixture into the eggs and add the flour. Continue to beat until smooth.

  • Pour the batter into the pie plate and bake in the preheated oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and scatter or arrange the fruit over the pancake. Bake for another 15 to 20 minutes or until the pancake is puffy and golden brown.

  • Remove and let cool for 10 minutes before powdering with icing sugar if desired. Serve in wedges by themselves — nothing else is needed or could be desired except for a mug of good hot coffee.

Makes 6 to 8 servings

Baked Blueberry & Peach Pancakes


  1. Never made pancake in the oven before but I like the idea and the combination of blueberries and peaches is great.

  2. Looks gorgeous, and I love the idea of the baked pancake. Must try a variation on this!

  3. This looks fork-licking good! Oh, how I wish I had some whipping cream lying around right now...

  4. ummm! I'm on my way over! This is pancake heaven! And you know that i am in peach craze right now!

  5. That looks good! I like the sound of a pancake so full of fruit and berries.

  6. these look scrumptious - I still have your other baked pancake bookmarked and now I want to make them both!

  7. wow! what a healthy way to start the day! Lovely blog!

  8. Looks awesome ....I feel like reaching into the picture and helping myself to a slice of all that fruity goodness :)

  9. I just made this for lunch today.

    And then, as always when I cook your recipes, the house filled up and I was forced to share.

  10. Oh my! These look heavenly! Thanks for the great idea.

  11. the pancake looks tempeting and mothwatering
