
No Croutons Required - The Winner of the March Challenge

We received lots of tempting entries for the March challenge, but the most popular was Soma's flavour packed Roasted Vegetable Stew with Coconut Milk. Congratulations Soma! I can't wait to try this gorgeous stew.

Holler will be hosting the next edition of No Croutons Required. The theme for April is tomatoes. Vegetarian soups or salads featuring any type of tomato will be accepted. Holler has added an additional twist this month. Holler's birthday falls on the first day of the challenge, so she is asking for a menu to go along with your submission. You don't need to cook everything on the menu, just the soup or salad you submit for the event, but do include in your post what you would serve along with it for Holler's birthday!


  1. Thank you so much Lisa & Holler for giving me the opportunity to participate & share:-) Big Big Thanks to all of you who voted for me!

  2. Congrats to Soma! :)

    Waiting for Holler's post!

  3. Congratulations, Soma - it looks delicious!

  4. Congrats to Soma,the stew is hearty and delicious.Love the next theme
