
Tempeh and Broccoli Fried Rice

Tempeh and Broccoli Fried Rice
I have long made an effort to incorporate a wide variety of vegetables in my dinners on the grounds that every vegetable offers its own unique nutritional profile in addition to flavor. But I admit that broccoli doesn't feature as often in my meals as it ought to given its status as one of the top nutrient-dense vegetables—and it's not that I don't love its taste, especially when cooked. But it does have a stronger flavor than many vegetables, and I've just never figured out as many things to do with it. But craving an Asian-style fried rice, broccoli seemed like a perfect fit with the robust flavors of toasted sesame oil, sriracha sauce, and tamari sauce that I planned on using. So were the succulent chunks of fried tempeh I added, a protein-rich traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans that has an appealing nutty flavor when fried but which absorbs almost any flavors you would like to add to it.
Tempeh and Broccoli Fried Rice